


🍷🍷🍷 GAMBERO ROSSO, I Vini d’Italia 2024

Tre meritatissimi bicchieri al Monteti’18, da petit verdot in prevalenza, integrato dai cabernet franc e sauvignon. Bagaglio aromatico di frutti di bosco, quindi cenni mentolati, speziatura di ginepro e macchia mediterranea. Al palato ha struttura, polpa di frutto, tannini levigati e fresche note di frutti rossi. Nitido e lungo, chiude su note di frutto e macchia. Eleganti e territoriali gli altri vini.


95/100 FALSTAFF, Tasting Costa Toscana 2023
Rosso rubino brillante. Fragrante al naso, di legni pregiati, grafite, un tocco di drupacee, delicati toni floreali nel retrogusto, così come un po’ di cera di candela. Al palato appare levigato, con frutto netto e tannini ben integrati, il cuore ha una certa leggerezza nel finale, senza apparire sedato, un vino sorprendente che invita alla beva.




Centrato, stratificato e decisamente complesso al naso mostra note di susine, prugne rosse, fragoline di bosco, buccia di mandarini e canfora. Corpo medio-pieno, amabile nel sorso mostra una piacevole sapida chiusura.


94/100 DOCTOR WINE by Daniele Cernilli, Guida essenziale ai vini d’Italia 2023
Rubino tendente al granato. Naso profondo, scuro, con mirtillo, bacche di ginepro, humus, tabacco e cioccolato. In bocca stessa austerità e complessità del naso, in un sorso profondo, potente, maestoso, dal tannino fine e dall’ottima persistenza.






▼▼▼▼ BIBENDA 2023
Rosso rubino intenso. L’ampio ed intenso bouquet olfattivo evidenzia note balsamiche che lasciano spazio a sbuffi di grafite, di mirto, spezie dolci, pepe, liquirizia, vaniglia, frutti e fiori rossi. Il sorso è elegante ed evidenzia tannini vellutati sostenuti da una piacevole fresca vitalità. Il finale è lungo con richiami balsamici e vaniglia.





🍷🍷 GAMBERO ROSSO, I Vini d’Italia 2022
Ottenuto da uve di Cabernet Sauvignon, Alicante Bouschet e Merlot, nella versione 2017 ribadisce le sue caratteristiche di pregio: è un rosso fragrante e di grande piacevolezza, con una connotazione stilistica sobriamente moderna, dagli aromi definiti e il sorso contrastato.


95/100 FALSTAFF, Tasting Costa Toscana 2022
Rubino brillante con fini riflessi violacei. Naso molto netto e di impatto, ricco di sambuco e ribes nero con una nota di rosa, fragrante e invitante. Al palato ha un tannino aderente e robusto, molto tabacco, poi si apre con fini note fruttate, retrogusto molto lungo, finemente fondente.


Estremamente accattivante mostra note di petali di rosa, gerani, tiglio, fiori di mandarino, ciliegie, melograno, pompelmo e guaranà. In sottofondo la solida presenza di note dolci ricordano lo zucchero a velo ed il cioccolato bianco fuso. Corpo pieno, tannini rotondi di buona fattura ed un finale solido e ben teso. Meglio dal 2025.
Degustato il: 14-12-2022



96/100 FALSTAFF, Tasting Costa Toscana, Settembre 2020 – Simon Staffler.
Dark and luminous garnet red. Elegant at the nose with notes of blackberry and blueberry, elder flower, mildly balsamic hints, woody spices, various. Harmonious and complex, at the palate it evolves slowly and at length with wonderfully mature wildberries, dense tannins and a long finale.


▼▼▼▼ BIBENDA 2021
Dense ruby red. A layer of cocoa and cinnamon envelopes clear notes of wildberries (in jam too), wild cherry, topsoil, rose and noble vegetal tones. The sip, warm and structured, unravels with great coherence and velvety tannins. Long persistence onto sweet spices aromas.


93/100 DOCTOR WINE by Daniele Cernilli, Guida essenziale ai vini d’Italia 2021
Vibrant purple red. Shimmering and various at the nose with fresh Summer fruit notes (nectarine peach, strawberry tree fruit, raspberry) and orange, enveloped by a mix of balsamic sensations (sandalwood and mild incense), mint and pepper. Vigorous and very tasty at the palate, decidedly warm yet refreshed by a pleasant fruity and balsamic finale. A long and coherent aftertaste.  


🍷🍷🍷 GAMBERO ROSSO, I Vini d’Italia 2021
Blend of Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon, Monteti 2016 offers smokey and spicy aromas on a luxuriant fruity layer with a good rythm of fragrances and intensities. In the mouth the unfolding is solid, intense, enveloping and continuous.


92/100★★★ I VINI DI VERONELLI 2021


95/100 WINESCRITIC.COM, Raffaele Vecchione, september 2021
Full and mature, in the main line it alternates wild strawberry, myrtle, laurel and agapanthus flowers. Fine and harmonious. Full body, smooth tannins and a balanced, rich and sapid finale. Blend of Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Drink now.



Shiny, intense, violet ruby-red. Immediately captivating at the nose with rich notes of blueberry, lily and blackcurrant. To the palate it presents very fine and subtle tannins, it opens up fully, long and creamy, with a decisive push in the finale.


▼▼▼▼ BIBENDA 2020
Dense ruby red. A layer of cocoa and cinnamon embraces net scents of berries, even in jam, sour cherries, topsoil, rose, and nobles vegetal tones. The sip, warm and structured, expands with great compliance and velvety tannins. It lingers longly on notes of sweet spices.


Inchiostro impenetrabile dalle sfumature porpora. Incipit olfattivo su riconoscimenti di giaggiolo, peonia, rosa, fragole, melograno e cassis; si fanno strada tratti di minerali ferrosi, vaniglia, tabacco scuro, ginepro, legno di sandalo, ceralacca e pino silvestre. La tensione fresco-tannica anima tutto il percorso gustativo, accompagnata sul finale da una leggera sapidità e riverberi balsamici.


92/100 DOCTOR WINE by Daniele Cernilli, Guida essenziale ai vini d’Italia 2020
Intense ruby red. Wild, hermetic, it slowly releases senses of berries, blueberries, currant, mulberries. Spices are shy but present, forming together with aromatic herbs the most pleasant bouquet. In the mouth it has a pompous and convincing entry, promising maybe more than the finale, which is anyway  of good persistence and great pleasantness.


92/100★★★ I VINI DI VERONELLI 2020 – Gigi Brozzoni


93/100 THE WINE ADVOCATE, Monica Larner, 14 gennaio 2021
Il bouquet mostra note sapide e perfino un tocco di animale muschiato che si nasconde nella ricca densità e concentrazione, tipica di un’annata calda, di questo blend toscano. Questa personalità carnosa conferisce al vino il potere e l’ampiezza di abbinarsi tanto a una bistecca grigliata come alla cacciagione. Il finale è condotto da tanta frutta scura, con mora pressata e prugna in testa. Bevibilità: 2020-28.


🍷🍷 GAMBERO ROSSO, I Vini d’Italia 2020
Buono anche il Monteti ’15, più immediato al naso e dallo sviluppo gustativo serrato e sostenuto dal rovere.



92/100 WINE ENTHUSIAST, Karin O’Keefe,  May 2019
This blend of Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon opens with earthy aromas of black-skinned berry, underbrush and cooking spice. The polished, full-bodied palate offers blackcurrant jam, cocoa, star anise and crushed black plum alongside fine-grained tannins.


92/100 DOCTOR WINE by Daniele Cernilli, Guida essenziale ai vini d’Italia 2019
Da uve Petit Verdot 50%, Cabernet Sauvignon 25% e Cabernet Franc 25%. Matura 18 mesi in barrique, 70% nuove. Rosso rubino intenso. Intenso al naso dove regnano i piccoli frutti a bacca nera, le spezie dolci, il cuoio e il tabacco. Avvolgente al palato dove si dimostra pieno ed elegante, profondo e selvaggio. Buona acidità e sapidità che accompagnano il lungo finale.


🍷 GAMBERO ROSSO, I Vini d’Italia 2019
Un po’ più sorretto dal rovere il Monteti ’14, blend di Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc e Cabernet Sauvignon, che possiede aromi affumicati e speziati e progressione gustativa leggermente frenata.


▼▼▼▼ BIBENDA 2019
Rubino pieno. Offre al naso intensi toni di macchia marina e bacche selvatiche, prugne e amarene, humus, foglie secche, liquirizia gommosa e sprazzi di vegetale nobile. Coerenza gusto-olfattiva e grinta fresco-sapida convincono in bocca, tappezzata di tannini ben estratti. Duratura la lunghezza.



93/100 THE WINE ADVOCATE by R. Parker, 30 November, Monica Larner
The 2013 Monteti is a terrific wine with a well-concentrated but seamless presentation of flavors. Black fruit transitions to baking spice, cured leather and bresaola with juniper berry. The bouquet is savory and dark, but it never feels heavy or flat. Indeed, the wine offers a bright and pristine mouthfeel that prizes length and elegance.


The Monteti, flagship wine of the estate, was finalist this year and by a whisker didn’t take the 3 red glasses; blend of Petit Verdot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Franc, the 2013 vintage shows at the nose notes of dark ripe fruit blended with herbaceous puffs. In the mouth is enveloping at the fist impact, then progresses linear and compact thanks to an elegant sapidity.


▼▼▼▼ BIBENDA 2018
Intense ruby red. Refined bouquet of wild fruits, noble herbal sensations, mediterranean scrub, cocoa and a happy floral touch. Vigorous in the mouth, energized by a right fresh and sapid contribution and by well calibrated tannins. Long persistence.


92/100 DOCTOR WINE by Daniele Cernilli, Guida essenziale ai vini d’Italia 2018
Intense ruby red. Dark austere nose with notes of spices, black pepper, cloves, leather and aromatic herbes. Nicely deep in the palate, elegant, sapid and enveloping, sustained by a good acidity.


92/100 WINE ENTHUSIAST, Karin O’Keefe, may 2018
Aromas of black currant, baking spice, cocoa and a whiff of orange zest abound on this inviting blend of 55% Petit Verdot, 25% Cabernet Sauvignon and 20% Cabernet Franc. The aromas carry over to the polished palate alongside velvety tannins that give it a smooth texture. Enjoy through 2023.



92/100 THE WINE GANG, October 2017
This would make a good ‘identify the varieties’ question in a blind tasting. Although there’s nothing unusual about Bordeaux grapes and blends in Tuscany, Monteti, the estate’s flagship wine, is rare in majoring on Petit Verdot (more than half) supported by 25% Cabernet Sauvignon and 20% Cabernet Franc. With five years under its belt, it has sweet, floral aromas interleaved with more evolved tobacco and game notes, and a palate of concentrated dark fruit, gamey tapenade richness and fine tannins.


Monteti 2012, blend of Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc e Cabernet Sauvignon, presents pleasant notes of officinal herbs, elegant in the mouth, with good progression, vibrant tannins on a sapid background that makes the sip long and juicy.


▼▼▼▼ BIBENDA 2017
Full and compact ruby red. The impact at the nose is intense with hints of raspberry, redcurrant, sandal wood, thyme, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, milk chocolate, orange zest on a layer of herbs. Attractive at the palate, proportionate tannins and strong recall to the sweetness of the fruit. Matured for 18 months in French oak barriques, 70% new and 30% of second passage.


MONEYWEEK 20 October 2017 by Matthew Jukes – A SUPER TUSCAN IN A LEAGUE OF ITS OWN

It’s interesting how the petit verdot grape keeps popping up in conversation these days. Back in April, in Bordeaux, a good few of the châteaux mentioned that they were planting more and when I tasted this “Super Tuscan” the other day I was delighted to see that this underrated grape majored in the blend – 55% petit verdot, 25% cabernet sauvignon and 20% cabernet franc.
Monteti is made from 28 different micro-plots, which are all vinified separately in bespoke vats. You can taste the care and attention that goes into this intricately assembled wine.
It is like a vintage car purring on a forecourt, pristine and glinting in the sun, begging you to get in for a tear around the countryside.
I absolutely love the class and elegance on display here and, because it is not a silly price,
I venture that Monteti is in a league of its own. Every reader should buy a case – every palate will adore this wine, I promise.
Matthew Jukes, winner of the International Wine & Spirit Competition’s Communicator of the Year (



JANCIS ROBINSON, November 2016,


94/100 FALSTAFF, October 2016, Othmar Kiem
Deep violet, ruby red. Pleasant hints of tobacco, cedar wood, elderberry, very clean and fresh. Succulent at the palate, well present fruit, evolves with a clear, smooth and intense tannin structure, long and very fine.


92/100 WINE SPECTATOR, October 2016, Bruce Sanderson
This is smooth and racy, with a sleek structure driving the black cherry, blackberry, mineral and tobacco flavors. Tightly packed, featuring a long aftertaste of fruit, spice and mineral. Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Drink now through 2024.


2011 Monteti presents at the nose fresh notes of green pepper together with balsamic herbs, redcurrant jam and cinnamon. In the mouth is full-bodied, enveloping, and shows tannins well integrated with the alcoholic component and a vibrant and long-lasting finale.


▼▼▼▼ BIBENDA 2016
Brilliant ruby red. The ofactory pattern is elegant and complex: a sequence of blackcurrant, redcurrant, balsamic herbs, myrtle, laurel, mediterranean scrub nostes. Tasty and “rythmical”, with precise waves of fruit and well integrated tannins. Very persistent.




Deep ruby red; notes full of black fruit, cola and mint; deep in the mouth, dense with a lot of texture, pushes well matching the right contrasts.



94/100 WINE ENTHUSIAST, Karin O’Keefe, August 2015 – Editors’ Choice.
Ripe blackberry, crushed plum, black raspberry, sweet baking spices, orange zest and dark chocolate are some of the aromas and flavors you’ll find on this creamy, full-bodied blend of Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Velvety tannins provide the smooth texture and framework. Enjoy through 2020.


95/100 FALSTAFF, Othmar Kiem, N.06 Sept-Oct 2015.
Deep, ruby red. Compact and appealing nose, with crispy fruit, especially blackcurrant and blackberry, accompanied by a layer of a fine chocolate tone. Very enjoyable also at the palate, with mature and fragrant fruit, opens up with a fine and robust tannin structure developing an intense character with a long and delectable finale.


93/100 VINOUS – Antonio Galloni, ottobre 2015.
Ciliegia scura, moka, spezie, cuoio fresco, liquirizia, fumo e tabacco, sono alcuni degli aromi e profumi che si schiudono nel Monteti 2010. Caldo, aperto e splendidamente risonante, il 2010 offre tonnellate di personalità e assoluto appeal. Il meglio è che il 2010 si berrà bene con minimo invecchiamento. Le dolci note floreali e speziate sul finale, sono incredibilmente affascinanti. Finestra di bevibilità 2016-2025.



The 2008 Monteti impresses for its depth and pure sensual expression of fruit. A warm, inviting bouquet leads to dark cherries, asphalt, graphite, tar and licorice in this rich, dynamic wine. The personality of the Tuscan Maremma comes through in spades. The 2008 is another incredibly reasonably priced wine from Monteti. It will challenge wines costing two times (or more) as much! Monteti is 50% Petit Verdot, 30% Cabernet Franc and 20% Cabernet Sauvignon aged in French oak barrels, 70% new. Anticipated maturity: 2015-2025.


93/100 VINOUS – Antonio Galloni, August 2013
Grilled herbs, mocha, espresso, plums and graphite burst from the glass in the 2008 Tenuta Monteti. Endowed with serious depth and power, the 2008 impresses for its nuance, richness and sheer power. A warm, resonant finish laced with suggestive Cabernet Franc nuances rounds things out in style.


94/100 FALSTAFF, Othmar Kiem, September 2014
A sparkling full ruby colour, opens with light smoked tones like the smell exuding from a box of cigars, underneath lie lovely perfumed notes of cassis. At the beginning it introduces and then develops rich aromas of mature juicy fruits. Then upon opening itself up offers a compact tannin impression in successive phases. Slowly growing and constructing itself, in the end expresses its strong character but still maintaining a youthful freshness.


93/100 WINE SPECTATOR, Bruce Sanderson, February 2014
Starts out with some earthy funk in the aroma, leading to flavors of black currant, licorice, tobacco and spice on the palate. Dense, chewy and balanced, with a long aftertaste of black fruit, saline and licorice. Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Best from 2015 through 2024.



Gold medal – 2012 CINCINNATI INTERNATIONAL WINE FESTIVAL –  blind tasting Cincinnati International Wine Festival.


92/100 WINE SPECTATORT, October 2012
A dense, fruity red, bursting with blackberry, violet, vanilla and toasty spice notes. Very modern, with the focus on fruit more than terroir. Bright and long, only the earthy finish and tannins give this away as Tuscan. Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Drink now through 2020.


94/100 FALSTAFF, June 2011


92/100 THE WINE ADVOCATE di ROBERT PARKER, Octobre 2010, A. Galloni.
The 2007 Monteti bursts form the glass with the essence of blackberries, blueberry jam, crushed rocks and spices. This is a decidedly inky, sumptuous, super-ripe wine that needs a few years in bottle to settle down. The 2007 Monteti is 55% Petit Verdot, 23% Cabernet Franc and 20% Cabernet Sauvignon that spent 18 months in French oak barrels, 70% new. Anticipated maturiry: 2012-2022.


This year the winery presents both the wines: next to the always reliable Caburnio there is the real jewel, Monteti, a red Bordeaux-style wine, full bodied and very fascinating; made with a modern concept but without the common characteristics that make similar all the wines of the same typology.


Magnificent ruby, deep and bright. Wide range of perfumes, notes of violet, aromatic herbs, ink, anise, cloves and after a further oxygenation tobacco and cocoa. The taste is fine and elegant, silky with a fantastic acid-tannin balance. Clear and long persistence. The wine is fermented in stainless steel vats, aged for 16 months in new oak barrels and for 12 months in the bottle before being released on the market.





GOLD MEDAL 2010, Independent Wine Competition La Sélection, Basel


93+ THE WINE ADVOCATE di ROBERT PARKER October 2010, A. Galloni
The 2006 Monteti sparkles on the palate with beautifully articulated dark fruit, rosemary, mint and French oak. This is a somewhat understated 2006 from the Tuscan coast that relies more on elegance than sheer power, and there is no shortage of finesse here. This continues to gain weight and density in the glass, though, and my impression is that it will develop into a rather muscular wine even if today it is somewhat closed in on itself. Anticipated maturity: 2014-2026. Tenuta Monteti is one of the most exciting properties on the Tuscan coast. The flagship Monteti is a Cabernet Franc/Petit Verdot blend that spends 16 months in French oak and is bottled unfiltered and unfined. All three vintages I tasted were magnificent. The estate’s entry-level red. Caburnio, was reviewed in Issue 190.


92/100 WINE ENTHUSIAST MAGAZINE, February 2012


92/100 WINE SPECTATOR June 30, 2011, B. Sanderson
This delivers loads of black currant character, along with iron and graphite notes and a hint of thyme or sage. Pure and extracted, with up-front sweetness matching the dense tannins. Hard to deny its appeal. Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Best from 2012 through 2023.


This year the winery presents both the wines: next to the always reliable Caburnio there is the real jewel, Monteti, a red Bordeaux-style wine, full bodied and very fascinating; made with a modern concept but without the common characteristics that make similar all the wines of the same typology. Monteti : Bordeaux-style, spicy and with vegetable notes; silky and intense tannins, elegant and fine persistence.


Magnificent ruby, deep and bright. Wide range of perfumes, notes of violet, aromatic herbs, ink, anise, cloves and after a further oxygenation tobacco and cocoa. The taste is fine and elegant, silky with a fantastic acid-tannin balance. Clear and long persistence. The wine is fermented in stainless steel vats, aged for 16 months in new oak barrels and for 12 months in the bottle before being released on the market.







93/100 THE WINE ADVOCATE di ROBERT PARKER Ottobre 2010, A. Galloni
The 2005 Monteti is wonderfully expressive. Today it is more open than the 2006 although I strongly suspect its younger sibling is simply shut down. Espresso, mocha and French oak are layered into a core of black fruit, grilled herbs and cassis. The 2005 is a touch slender and doesn’t have the sheer stuffing to support extended cellaring, but it remains a strikingly fresh, pure wine that is easy to enjoy today. It is a great introduction to the wines of this emerging estate. Anticipated maturity: 2010-2020. Tenuta Monteti is one of the most exciting properties on the Tuscan coast. The flagship Monteti is a Cabernet Franc/Petit Verdot blend that spends 16 months in French oak and is bottled unfiltered and unfined. All three vintages I tasted were magnificent. The estate’s entry-level red. Caburnio, was reviewed in Issue 190.










More complex and of good substance is Monteti 2005, blend of cabernet sauvignon and petit verdot, with small additions of merlot and alicante; still slightly conditioned by the long aging in oak barrels.


Only recently come onto the maremman wine scene, Tenuta Monteti has quickly managed to create a big attention around itself with two wines, very convincing thanks to the vigour and balance that characterize them. Although their young age, a particular and strong structure appears, which with aging will create unusual wines. The wood taste in lightly present, but there is a richness in fruit, strong flavoured tannins and a long persistence.


Deep ruby colour with purle edges. Very wide and various, with an alternation of sweet and balsamic sentors and species of cinnamon and berry fruits. The taste has personality and a big impact. it’s full, warm, deceiving with an elegant tannic texture. the fine acidity shoulder follows through to the long and persistent ending, marked by a fruity and quinquina taste. ages for 16 months in french oak barrels. It will be excellent in a few years with juniper hare and truffle.





93/100 THE WINE ADVOCATE di ROBERT PARKER Ottobre 2010, A. Galloni
The 2004 Monteti flows from the glass with a blast of exuberant dark fruit, espresso, French oak, roasted coffee beans and grilled herbs. The warmth and generosity of Maremma shines through in the radiant, enveloping fruit. Hints of white truffle linger on the heady finish. Simply put, this is a magnificent effort. Monteti makes a strong case for itself as the finest wine being made in Maremma in its price range. Anticipated maturity: 2010-2022.
Tenuta Monteti is one of the most exciting properties on the Tuscan coast. The flagship Monteti is a Cabernet Franc/Petit Verdot blend that spends 16 months in French oak and is bottled unfiltered and unfined. All three vintages I tasted were magnificent. The estate’s entry-level red. Caburnio, was reviewed in Issue 190.




92/100 FALSTAFF Oktober 2006, “Neue Stars Aus der Maremma”- Othmar Kiem
A satiny impenetrably rubin violet color, the nose very compact and intense, with notes of Elderberries, ripe wild raspberries and cassis; the palate is extremely concentrated with clean fruit, intense elderberry and black currants flavours; deeply profound longlasting finish.


▼▼▼ Recommended DECANTER, Aprile 2007


Extraordinary debut for Paolo Baratta’s winery, which has a 25 hectare vineyard. The Monteti 2004, a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc with a small part of Alicante and Merlot, reached the final stage of the three glasses competition, proving to be a complex and very fascinating wine. Caburnio 2004 is a very pleasant wine to drink, a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Alicante and Merlot.
92/100 The Monteti has been classified among the “Great new debuts of the year” GUIDA VERONELLI 2007